
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Mass Effect 3, The end of the Shepard Story
****************************SPOILER ALERT**************************************
Ok thats out of the way, i had many plans for this game when it came out. I preordered it as soon as i heard i could. I've played the other two so many times, i know stuff by heart. I planned to at least play my normal paragon guy who's Super Shepard, and my hot red headed lesbian renegade who does what she likes. First of all this game is harsh making you understand what war can really be like in real life as you have choices in the game, sometimes they both suck. Especially if you saved the Rachni in one, and have to chose to either save Grunt, or the whole race. Me personally i will take a Krogan over anyone so no Rachni anymore lol. The game, and the story were great. Did irritate me that even though i didn't lose anyone from 2 they weren't availible as shipmates in 3. Right up into the end i gave this game a 15/10 best game ever, etc, etc. Then the game turned into something else. Like a bunch of monkeys and an evil squirral came together to see how bad they could mess up the ending. I'm sure you have all heard how bad they mess up the ending that over 65,000 people have made up a community on facebook, as well at holdtheline.com, and other sites just to tell them so. Me personally i hated : 1)The 3 choices being so crappy that i wanted Shepard to shot the synthetic child and just do something else. 2) The plot holes were so bad that everyone was left asking what just happened. (Relays destroyed, whole fleet stuck in the Sol system, how did Ad. Anderson beat you to the Citadel,etc), 3) All the ending turning out to be just so utterly the same with a few minor twist. 4) Your loyal band of crewmates running for their lives and leaving you to die only to get stuck on some bizarre planet. 5) You Shepard lives ending being him taking one breath from a pile, just to name a few. After the ending i got being so utterly horrible that i just sat there on my couch sad, and dismayed i almost stopped playing the game forever. If not for the mulitplayer, which has a concept that i would like to see more more online games. A team of online players not playing capture the flag, or kill human, etc. But working together against waves of npc's that get harder. To me at first it sounded like it would be lame, then it turned out to be the only redeeming value of the game. Final before any of the ending DLC 6/10 Funny thing is if it wasn't for the people i have met after being so destroyed by the ending, this game wouldn't be as memorable as it is. Here's hoping, fingers crossed that Bioware, and EA can fix the gold goose they tried to strangle. Also was happy they had DLC that you had to buy on day one, if its ready on day one it should be in the game. Just saying.
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Pretty much sums up what I had to say. But u missed some points. First of all...u don't kill a fan favorite character like Emily Wong on Twitter and replace her with some random PSP licking chick. Worst VA in the galaxy...whatever BioWare(EA that is) comes up with, won't salvage the game to 100%. But I hope they can redeem themselves to some extent with the EC dlc.
ReplyDeleteYeah Bioware/EA have continually dropped the ball when it comes to dealing with their fan/customers. Makes me wonder how much financially this is going to hurt them than if they had waited a month or two and polished a great ending that only made people sad that it was over. Not because the ending was so lame. Thanks for the comment.
ReplyDeleteThe biggest problems I have with the game overall - autodialog, fetch quests, and choices that mattered little to not at all from the previous games. Then you get to the ending.
ReplyDeleteFirst, how does TIM possibly have the ability to control you and especially Anderson physically? Even the reapers weren't able to control TIM or Saren physically (otherwise how were they able to shoot themselves?) and they were both heavily indoctrinated and implanted.
Second, they took one conflict, geth vs. quarian, and elevated it to be the central premise of the new plot that replaced the previous plot of the last 3 games (namely destroy the reapers). And then twisted it from being an example of one race defending itself against an oppressor, to being "the created will always turn on their creators". That's like saying blacks will always kill whites because just look at the civil rights movement. WTF?!
Third, anyone who knows anything about writing good literature knows never to use a deus ex machina. It's been a quasi-rule for over 2000 years. Yet not only did they do it, they literally have a god-like figure walking out of a machine. It's like a slap in the face.
Fourth, the synthesis option violates all the known rules of the galaxy. There aren't teleporters or replicators. There's no evidence that any civilization has ever had matter to energy conversion technology. So how does a wave of energy spontaneously create matter? And not just matter but complex matter like circuitry and organic tissue.
Fifth, all the endings are virtually identical, and none of your previous choices have any impact on them at all.
Sixth, there are no options for a victory or a defeat, or anything in between. As a game, it should be possible for you to have a fatal loss - galaxy destroyed, cycle continues - and a total victory - Shepard alive, crew alive, happy ever after with LI - and everything in between.
Seventh, the way they handled this was botched from day one. Treating fans like they're too stupid to understand their brilliance. Letting the press and other fans insult us as "entitled whiners". Grudgingly announcing that because we're too stupid, they are going to do as little as possible, simply "clarifying and providing closure", rather than actually fix it, since they stand by their artists' "artistic vision" (even if it was stolen straight from another game). But hey, it's free. Whoopie.
Until the last ten minutes, me3 is amazing in a great many ways. I cant tell you how many times events in the game gave me chills, or made me laugh out loud or had me close to tears. I cant remember another game doing that. Pre-ending, the game does have a few flaws. The fetch quests i didnt like, few glitches,...not much else comes to mind. The rest is down to bioware giving themselves a REALLY tough job writing a script for every possible choice and contingency from the first 2 games and all dlc. They couldnt put all the crew from me2 as permanent shipmates because they could all be dead so the story in me3 couldnt hinge on them TOO much...hence they each have a smallish part to play. Imho it doesnt matter. They each still got some attention and so long as i had garrus and liara on the ship i was happy.
ReplyDeleteThe ending...i was fully ready for the ending to be sad or even grim. I was ready to let my shepard die, even some or all of the crew to die to save everyone else in a blaze of glory IF IT MADE SENSE... a last minute god child, 3 different coloured identical choices, space magic changing everything, planet sized plot holes...NO, BIOWARE! NOT COOL!
What gets me is trying to think of what exactly happened at bioware when they came up with this plan...they were so achingly close to having the perfect scifi epic trilogy complete in their hands, this generations star wars, but at some point someone said, wait, THIS is how we're doing it instead of the huge party among the wreckage of Harbinger and the happily ever after with your love interest...and no one put their hand up and said 'HEY! Thats dumb!'
Ill see what the extended cut does to remedy things...i even have a teeny tiny glimmer of hope that the indoc theory holds water...bioware have dropped so many hints on twitter etc that there is more to come...sigh, one can only hope at this stage...:s