
Sunday, September 2, 2012
My new addiction Minecraft
Ok so its official, can’t explain it. I’m addicted to Minecraft on 360. Its such a simple game, simple graphics, with new things coming out now and then. But the next thing I know its several months away and I’ve been spending all my free time seeing what else I can build with whatever material I can find, and wondering if its cool enough to let my friends walkthrough in their "Tennis" outfits lol. I’ve built a giant glass pyramid, glass spaceship, and other buildings galore. Right now I’m thinking about seeing how high I can go and maybe making a space station above my main storage place. Ok so enough about how obsessed I am with minecraft. Here’s what you need to know. One of the cool things about this game is that just about any age can play, and have fun doing whatever they want.
1) If its your first time playing, put the setting to peaceful. Unless you enjoying dying often at the beginning. If your game like I was, the first thing you want to do is chop down at least one full tree with your hands. This will let you make a workstation, so you can make a few things. Then you will want to find coal quickly, or just burn some wood to make charcoal. Very important if you aren’t playing it on peaceful. Monsters hate the light. Once you have a few tools, and some torches, burrow out a quick shack, then cover it up, before dark, or you will probably die.
2) The most fun about peaceful, you don’t have the creepers blowing up all the cool things you just made.
3) While in peaceful, build a couple boats, and bring the map and walk the whole earth. This way you know where you are at, and the whole map is available. Say if your digging a subway and want to come out at the right spot, or need to get a lot of sand.
4) Once you have a good base of operations, dig all the way down to the end of the earth, then go up 12 blocks. This is your mine, at level 12 seems to have the best stuff. Hollow out a section and make room for a bunch of storage boxes. Then dig in a straight line, whatever you do don’t waste your good metals, and diamonds on doing this. Bring about 8 stone pickaxes, and 2 iron ones. The easiest way to mine is to dig in a 4x4 grid on the 12th level for as long as you want. Just remember to be ready with dirt, stone, whatever incase you hit a lava patch and have to plug that hole quickly. This is a great way to stock up on a lot of inventory, to build the cool stuff with. I keep 4 working ovens to melt down the metal I bring back, before restocking on pickaxes, and unloading what I got before heading back out again.
5) Key things to know. Sand heated is glass, Cobblestone makes pure stone, etc, etc, play around with a bunch of things. They just came out with the sticky pistons and I’ve been trying to get enough goo to make a few. Pain in the butt trying to get any. Have to be careful how you attack the Green guys or you get nada in the drop.
6) The most important thing, is this is your world, explore, look around have fun, make whatever makes you happy, and to heck with anyone else.
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