I'm going to give you everything you need to get a 5Star rating on all Cases as i get them written
*Special Note These include both Secret Cases -Slip of the Tongue, and Naked City* and no i did not put in the patrol cases as these are teaching cases that aren't rated.
Traffic Cases Link: http://mydata76.blogspot.com/p/traffic-cases.html
Homicide Cases Link http://mydata76.blogspot.com/p/homicide-cases.html
Vice Cases Link http://mydata76.blogspot.com/p/vice-cases.html
Arson Cases Link http://mydata76.blogspot.com/p/arson-cases.html
I hope this helps everyone who needs it. Let me know if you have any problems.

Sunday, May 29, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
LA Noire Secret Case-Slip of the Tongue-Traffic Case 5Star Walkthrough
*Special Thanks for my friend Micheal who let me play the case on his 360*
I. Location: 6 West Second Street
A. See Green Car pulling out of drive and running off
B. Chase down car. *Achievement Note* Catch him before backup arrives and its an achievement
C. Cliff Harrison is an angry guy who says he bought the car. Look at his Ownership papers
D. Question Cliff Harrison
Q1-Truth, get papers
II Location: Coombs Auto
A. Meet Richard Coombs, Owner, goofball
B. In office check Archers Ownership papers, Bill of Sale, and check
C. Question Richard Coombs.
D. Find a police pole and put out APB on Jean Archer
III. Location: 146 Freemont Ave.- Empty Abandoned Lot, waste of time but being thorough
IV. Location: Central Police Station
A. Interview James Belasco
Q2-Lie-Archer’s Ownership Papers
B. Get pinkslip info outside interview room
V. Location: Just outside Station.
A. As you are walking out desk guy tells you that Archer’s been spotted.
B. I took off on foot, and ran over to the bank. Just follow the yellow flag till you get there
C. She offers just about anything to get away
D. Interview Jean Archer *Achievement Note* If you get all the questions right with Jean Archer its an achievement
Q2-Lie-Belasco’s Ownership papers
VI. Location: Marquee Printing Company
A. Interview Gordon Leitvol A
B. Open Ledger-Notice a couple of 58 Industrial Streets there. Steve Bigelow
VII. Location: 58 Industrial Street
A. Guns out ready for a gunfight
B. After partner is in place. Go to work from behind cover. Nail the first guy through the window. *Achievement Note* Try to kill one of the bad guys by shooting the hanging engine block. Whole place is swarming, so take your time and remember you can retreat behind cover and heal. After bottom floor is clear move to stairs.
C. Take cover there’s a guy on top of the stairs. Take him out and then find the lone survivor
D. While your partner holds him look around and find Delivery note, Betting slips.
E. Then move behind the guy to find a big box of blank pink slips *Achievement Note* This should be the last printed Marquee pink slips you need to find.
F. Interview Steven Bigelow
Q2-Lie-Deliver Ledger
VIII. Location: Marquee Printing
A. Interview Gordon Leitvol B
Q1-Lie-Betting Slips
*Achievement List*
1. ‘Nowhere in a Hurry’- Catch Cliff Harrison before backup arrives
2. ‘Femme Imbecil’-Correctly branch every question in Jean Archer Interview
3. ‘Racing for Pinks’-Find and Inspect all of Marquee-printed pink slips
4. ‘Chop Shop’-During the Industrial Street raid, kill a goon by shooting the hanging engine block.
5. ‘The Printers Devil’-Complete the Slip of the Tongue Case
I. Location: 6 West Second Street
A. See Green Car pulling out of drive and running off
B. Chase down car. *Achievement Note* Catch him before backup arrives and its an achievement
C. Cliff Harrison is an angry guy who says he bought the car. Look at his Ownership papers
D. Question Cliff Harrison
Q1-Truth, get papers
II Location: Coombs Auto
A. Meet Richard Coombs, Owner, goofball
B. In office check Archers Ownership papers, Bill of Sale, and check
C. Question Richard Coombs.
D. Find a police pole and put out APB on Jean Archer
III. Location: 146 Freemont Ave.- Empty Abandoned Lot, waste of time but being thorough
IV. Location: Central Police Station
A. Interview James Belasco
Q2-Lie-Archer’s Ownership Papers
B. Get pinkslip info outside interview room
V. Location: Just outside Station.
A. As you are walking out desk guy tells you that Archer’s been spotted.
B. I took off on foot, and ran over to the bank. Just follow the yellow flag till you get there
C. She offers just about anything to get away
D. Interview Jean Archer *Achievement Note* If you get all the questions right with Jean Archer its an achievement
Q2-Lie-Belasco’s Ownership papers
VI. Location: Marquee Printing Company
A. Interview Gordon Leitvol A
B. Open Ledger-Notice a couple of 58 Industrial Streets there. Steve Bigelow
VII. Location: 58 Industrial Street
A. Guns out ready for a gunfight
B. After partner is in place. Go to work from behind cover. Nail the first guy through the window. *Achievement Note* Try to kill one of the bad guys by shooting the hanging engine block. Whole place is swarming, so take your time and remember you can retreat behind cover and heal. After bottom floor is clear move to stairs.
C. Take cover there’s a guy on top of the stairs. Take him out and then find the lone survivor
D. While your partner holds him look around and find Delivery note, Betting slips.
E. Then move behind the guy to find a big box of blank pink slips *Achievement Note* This should be the last printed Marquee pink slips you need to find.
F. Interview Steven Bigelow
Q2-Lie-Deliver Ledger
VIII. Location: Marquee Printing
A. Interview Gordon Leitvol B
Q1-Lie-Betting Slips
*Achievement List*
1. ‘Nowhere in a Hurry’- Catch Cliff Harrison before backup arrives
2. ‘Femme Imbecil’-Correctly branch every question in Jean Archer Interview
3. ‘Racing for Pinks’-Find and Inspect all of Marquee-printed pink slips
4. ‘Chop Shop’-During the Industrial Street raid, kill a goon by shooting the hanging engine block.
5. ‘The Printers Devil’-Complete the Slip of the Tongue Case
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
LA Noire Landmarks Guide Map
I need to note that this map was created by splicing together camera phone pictures, and a little paint shop. I hope it helps. Let me know if you have any problems.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
A walkthrough for the Naked City Secret Case-Vice Cop
I Location: Crime Scene-Julia Randall’s Apartment
A. On your way up the elevator check the small trash can for the Morphine clue
*Note* is that all my old partners in one room?
B. Go to the bathroom to talk to the M.E. and then go over the body. Don’t forget to check the ring on her finger.
C. Go into the bedroom. Check the pill box on the table. Further examine to get to the pills, then further examine again to get to the prescription from Dr. Stoneman
D. Examine the pictures near the housekeeper, the middle one has a message behind it.
E. Make sure you examine the jacket hanging up.
F. Question Virginia Reynoldson
Q1-Lie-(Sleeping Pills)
Q2–Lie-(Men’s Smoking jacket)
II. Location: Dr. Stoneman’s Practice
A Question the Doctor
III. Location: D’Assine Dress Shop
A Question Owner
B. Meet Heather Swanson and check out her ring before questioning her
C. After leaving find a call box that should light up to call in
IV. Location: Hollywood Receiving Hospital-go to Morgue
A. Talk to M.E. Check out both bodies if you want. Look at the harmonica
B. Go out and walk into the Police station and into Interrogation 2
C. Question Henry Arnett
Q2-Lie-(Housekeepers Statement)
V: Same Location to start
A. Tail Arnett to see what’s he’s up to
B. Remember to stay not to close, not to far away, and try not to cause a scene. Even if that means being the only car in the middle of the road stopped all by yourself.
C. Drop off partner at 1st place(Pawnshop)
D. Follow to a stop, then get out and follow to Travel Agency. Before bursting in after he leaves to get info.
E. You meet up with partner, and he tell you about how Arnett took a hit selling a gold faberge cigarette case. Go use a phone to make a call
V. Location: Hollywood ninth Beat
A. Kill all the bad guys to help out the street cop, to get info needed
VI. Location: Hollywood Police Station
A. Check out the contra-ban list. Spot 1. Faberge Gold Cigarette Case, Black Sapphire Ring, Silver Pill Box, and Pearl Ring. This gives you Mrs. Beverly Everstrom’s Residence
VII. Location: Everstrom Residence
A Interview Mrs. Everstrom
Q1-Lie-(Faberge Cigarette Case)
*Note*-Isn't that Heather Swanson?
VIII: Start at Everstrom Residence
A. Take Heather Swanson to Henry Arnett’s Apartment. Drive slow, and cautiously. There is a secret achievement if you can drive her there without getting into any damage at all to your vehicle.
IX. Location: Henry Arnett’s Apartment.
A. Chase down the perp the best you can
B. Look around. Check out the suitcase, look at watch and then ticket
C. Interview Henry Arnett a second time
Q1-Lie-(Faberge Cigarette Case)
Q2-Lie-(Train Ticket)\
Q3-Lie-(Contraban List) (Guy just can’t tell the truth can he)
X. Location: Dr. Stoneman’s Practice
A. Nothing really to do but watch the quick movie
XI. Location: Willy’s Apartment
A. You and your old partners split up. Follow down the street to the sound of the harmonica
B. Chase Willy all the way up.
C. *Note* When give chance to shoot at him if you can shoot every letter in the Broadway sign before killing him its an achievement.
Achievement List (It’s a good one)
1. ‘A Good Looking Corpse’-Find and inspect all narcotics in Julia Randall’s apartment
2. ‘Fakeloo’-Tail Arnett to both places without getting caught once.
3. ‘Chauffer Service’-Take Heather Swanson to Arnett’s Apartment without taking any damage to your car
4. ‘Give My Regards’-Shot out all the letters in the big sign when you take down Willy
5. ‘Eight Million Stories’-Complete The Naked City case
A. On your way up the elevator check the small trash can for the Morphine clue
*Note* is that all my old partners in one room?
B. Go to the bathroom to talk to the M.E. and then go over the body. Don’t forget to check the ring on her finger.
C. Go into the bedroom. Check the pill box on the table. Further examine to get to the pills, then further examine again to get to the prescription from Dr. Stoneman
D. Examine the pictures near the housekeeper, the middle one has a message behind it.
E. Make sure you examine the jacket hanging up.
F. Question Virginia Reynoldson
Q1-Lie-(Sleeping Pills)
Q2–Lie-(Men’s Smoking jacket)
II. Location: Dr. Stoneman’s Practice
A Question the Doctor
III. Location: D’Assine Dress Shop
A Question Owner
B. Meet Heather Swanson and check out her ring before questioning her
C. After leaving find a call box that should light up to call in
IV. Location: Hollywood Receiving Hospital-go to Morgue
A. Talk to M.E. Check out both bodies if you want. Look at the harmonica
B. Go out and walk into the Police station and into Interrogation 2
C. Question Henry Arnett
Q2-Lie-(Housekeepers Statement)
V: Same Location to start
A. Tail Arnett to see what’s he’s up to
B. Remember to stay not to close, not to far away, and try not to cause a scene. Even if that means being the only car in the middle of the road stopped all by yourself.
C. Drop off partner at 1st place(Pawnshop)
D. Follow to a stop, then get out and follow to Travel Agency. Before bursting in after he leaves to get info.
E. You meet up with partner, and he tell you about how Arnett took a hit selling a gold faberge cigarette case. Go use a phone to make a call
V. Location: Hollywood ninth Beat
A. Kill all the bad guys to help out the street cop, to get info needed
VI. Location: Hollywood Police Station
A. Check out the contra-ban list. Spot 1. Faberge Gold Cigarette Case, Black Sapphire Ring, Silver Pill Box, and Pearl Ring. This gives you Mrs. Beverly Everstrom’s Residence
VII. Location: Everstrom Residence
A Interview Mrs. Everstrom
Q1-Lie-(Faberge Cigarette Case)
*Note*-Isn't that Heather Swanson?
VIII: Start at Everstrom Residence
A. Take Heather Swanson to Henry Arnett’s Apartment. Drive slow, and cautiously. There is a secret achievement if you can drive her there without getting into any damage at all to your vehicle.
IX. Location: Henry Arnett’s Apartment.
A. Chase down the perp the best you can
B. Look around. Check out the suitcase, look at watch and then ticket
C. Interview Henry Arnett a second time
Q1-Lie-(Faberge Cigarette Case)
Q2-Lie-(Train Ticket)\
Q3-Lie-(Contraban List) (Guy just can’t tell the truth can he)
X. Location: Dr. Stoneman’s Practice
A. Nothing really to do but watch the quick movie
XI. Location: Willy’s Apartment
A. You and your old partners split up. Follow down the street to the sound of the harmonica
B. Chase Willy all the way up.
C. *Note* When give chance to shoot at him if you can shoot every letter in the Broadway sign before killing him its an achievement.
Achievement List (It’s a good one)
1. ‘A Good Looking Corpse’-Find and inspect all narcotics in Julia Randall’s apartment
2. ‘Fakeloo’-Tail Arnett to both places without getting caught once.
3. ‘Chauffer Service’-Take Heather Swanson to Arnett’s Apartment without taking any damage to your car
4. ‘Give My Regards’-Shot out all the letters in the big sign when you take down Willy
5. ‘Eight Million Stories’-Complete The Naked City case
Thursday, May 19, 2011
LA Noire update
Have been enjoying the heck out of this game. Great blend of action, with a little puzzle, and solving crimes. One of my biggest beef's with the CSI game was that it got so boring. But in this open world of 40's post war LA its perfect. Plus I have seen the faces of a lot of actors that makes the different people you meet on all the cases fun. Kind of feels like you are controlling your own movie. Only negative is trying to chase down punks and not run over civilians or mess up your car, that's hard and sometimes you just want to run something over. I've also found my favorite outfit. No coat, and looks like Elliot Ness in the Untouchables. Plus its more armored or something so i can take a few more blasts. lol
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Thank God-The Complete Badge List
This site really helped me out. They had someone acutally process the film.
After that it was as easy as pie.
I'm going to order them by the number under the film for each pic
*When you are near, your controller will vibrate, and you will see a shiny glint of the object*
The Stuff in red-is landmark associated with the location. It will be easy to just mark it on your map and make your partner drive you there.
#12-4th Street Viaduct-Go down to the base of the bridge. There is a ladder. Climb up the concrete base.
#13-Way west side Chinatown. Look for Mr. Khan's Antiques, and then search inbetween the two Chinese Dragon statues. There are a couple of sets, so don't get as frustrated as i did. This was the hardest one for me to find because i didn't cross the street and go far enough west from the main section of Chinatown.
#14-Angles Flight- Go around under the tracks. Simple one
#15-Hall of Records- Go inside at the reception desk to the right
#16-Bullocks Wilshire-Walk around until you enter the glass side thing. Then go downstairs. Should see badge at bottom.
#17-Los Angeles Examiner-Go around back to the parking lot, on top of a planter near the corner.
#18-Crossroads to the World-Face the main attraction. The thing with the ball on top, and walk beside it. There is a very narrow pathway, not to far behind it that connects to the other side.
#19-Hotel Roosevelt-In very front of entrance
#20-Grauman's Theater-Walk the red carpet up to the two smaller red carpets to the side. Should be on the one to the right.
#21-Musso & Franks-Drive around to the back, its under the green canopi
#22-Pershing Square-Find the old Train car that got turned into a restaurant. Badge is by the ketchup
#23-LA County Museum of Art-Stop in the front then drive a little to the staff parking lot. drive up and in, take a right. Walk up a narrow bush pathway to the left up to some metal stairs. Should be in front of the stairs.
#24-LA Public Library-This one is complicated so pay attention. Go around to the side, keep running until you see the only metal pipe that will let you climb up. Then climb up the main room. Now no more climbing. This is the main roof. Should now be able to look over to the left, and see two big water drums. If not run around the square till you do. Then climb up the area in the middle to find the badge.
#25-Max Factor Building-Drive around till you see the fence, then drive through it and quickly stop. It's by the dumpster.
#26-Main St. Terminal- Go up the stairs and find the red subway car, and it should be in front of it on the tracks.
#27-RKO Theater-On ground in front, underneath a movie poster.
#28-Union Station- Go in main entranceway. Then turn left and its on the desk of the 2nd or 3rd ticket counter
#29-MacArthur Park- Go over to the paddle boats, its on an oil drum next to them
#30-West Lake Tar Pits- Just drive up the dirt road to the area. There is a beat up white house near the shoreline, and it should be on the porch.
#31-Intolerance Set-Drive in through the gate. Run up the first real hallway in front of you. Take up left up stairs, quick left down stairs, quick right, and shiny thing in front of you.
#32-LA Noire logo- Just fooling, you should already have all 20. :)
Please let me know if this was helpful to anyone.
After that it was as easy as pie.
I'm going to order them by the number under the film for each pic
*When you are near, your controller will vibrate, and you will see a shiny glint of the object*
The Stuff in red-is landmark associated with the location. It will be easy to just mark it on your map and make your partner drive you there.
#12-4th Street Viaduct-Go down to the base of the bridge. There is a ladder. Climb up the concrete base.
#13-Way west side Chinatown. Look for Mr. Khan's Antiques, and then search inbetween the two Chinese Dragon statues. There are a couple of sets, so don't get as frustrated as i did. This was the hardest one for me to find because i didn't cross the street and go far enough west from the main section of Chinatown.
#14-Angles Flight- Go around under the tracks. Simple one
#15-Hall of Records- Go inside at the reception desk to the right
#16-Bullocks Wilshire-Walk around until you enter the glass side thing. Then go downstairs. Should see badge at bottom.
#17-Los Angeles Examiner-Go around back to the parking lot, on top of a planter near the corner.
#18-Crossroads to the World-Face the main attraction. The thing with the ball on top, and walk beside it. There is a very narrow pathway, not to far behind it that connects to the other side.
#19-Hotel Roosevelt-In very front of entrance
#20-Grauman's Theater-Walk the red carpet up to the two smaller red carpets to the side. Should be on the one to the right.
#21-Musso & Franks-Drive around to the back, its under the green canopi
#22-Pershing Square-Find the old Train car that got turned into a restaurant. Badge is by the ketchup
#23-LA County Museum of Art-Stop in the front then drive a little to the staff parking lot. drive up and in, take a right. Walk up a narrow bush pathway to the left up to some metal stairs. Should be in front of the stairs.
#24-LA Public Library-This one is complicated so pay attention. Go around to the side, keep running until you see the only metal pipe that will let you climb up. Then climb up the main room. Now no more climbing. This is the main roof. Should now be able to look over to the left, and see two big water drums. If not run around the square till you do. Then climb up the area in the middle to find the badge.
#25-Max Factor Building-Drive around till you see the fence, then drive through it and quickly stop. It's by the dumpster.
#26-Main St. Terminal- Go up the stairs and find the red subway car, and it should be in front of it on the tracks.
#27-RKO Theater-On ground in front, underneath a movie poster.
#28-Union Station- Go in main entranceway. Then turn left and its on the desk of the 2nd or 3rd ticket counter
#29-MacArthur Park- Go over to the paddle boats, its on an oil drum next to them
#30-West Lake Tar Pits- Just drive up the dirt road to the area. There is a beat up white house near the shoreline, and it should be on the porch.
#31-Intolerance Set-Drive in through the gate. Run up the first real hallway in front of you. Take up left up stairs, quick left down stairs, quick right, and shiny thing in front of you.
#32-LA Noire logo- Just fooling, you should already have all 20. :)
Please let me know if this was helpful to anyone.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
LA Noire Update
Well i've been playing all day, and so far i managed to knock out about half of the golden film, i'm a Homicide Detective, and i've found one badge. The badges seem to be the hardest ones to go on. There are twenty total, so when i took a break for the night i deceided to spend some time studying the film to see if i could see some landmarks or so. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but i think i found about 9-10 that way, and are warm on about 4-5 more. But the last 6 or so bland that i just have no clue. I will let you know what i found out tomorrow if you interested. Please feel free to share any of your experiences.
This games is extra cool to me, because i've always like the films. Jack Nicholson in Chinatown, Nolte in Muholland Dr, That Russell Crowe, and Kim Bassinger one. As well as a lot of old black and white ones that i used to watch with my grandfather on sundays. In many ways it always seemed like the perfect time, when everyone was happy. Even though i know that it just seemed that way, and was more of a trick than anything else. But it does seem like the cops had a lot more freedom to take out the trash, pedifiles, and rapist, and the guy who beats his wife, getting a surprised butt whipping, etc. But I digress.
This games is extra cool to me, because i've always like the films. Jack Nicholson in Chinatown, Nolte in Muholland Dr, That Russell Crowe, and Kim Bassinger one. As well as a lot of old black and white ones that i used to watch with my grandfather on sundays. In many ways it always seemed like the perfect time, when everyone was happy. Even though i know that it just seemed that way, and was more of a trick than anything else. But it does seem like the cops had a lot more freedom to take out the trash, pedifiles, and rapist, and the guy who beats his wife, getting a surprised butt whipping, etc. But I digress.
LA Noire and the big Midnight Release
I went to the midnight release of LA Noire at Game Stop on FM78 right near the Walmart, next to Converse, Texas. The Store Manager Angela always does a great job with midnight releases. She had free soda, and pizza from Pappa Johns. There is always a wide variety of characters at these release parties. It's always been a good time, and everybody is always nice and friendly. Angela also makes it fast and easy to pick up what you pre-ordered. She also mentioned that there was some free DLC for pre-ordering the game. Usually its some gun i don't use, or a small mission, so i just kind of ignored it.
About the game. An interesting thing happened when i got home and opened up the game. Out popped this wax papered evelope with seven little film strip clues. This was very interesting, and I really like that. It turns out that this is part of the Down Loadable Content. I have to use these clues to search the city for 20 badges and then i can enter for a chance to win $30K or some other memorabilia. That just freakin cool, and i wish more companies would do stuff like this. I've been playing the game so far, and i have to say it feels a little weird. I'm used to being the criminal who only cares about getting the missions done. Now i have to act like a respectable citizen, and not run people over nor cause damage which is a serious change. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on it, just a complete 180 from my comfort zone which is good.
So far the game kind of feels like the case solving of CSI games had a kid with GTA. So its a brand new baby so to speak. I'm learning as i go to be more observant. The cases game has done a good job so far of teaching me what i need to know. Last night i made it to Traffic Detective, and now i'm trying to scower the city to see if I can find those pesky badges.
Well if anyone has any thoughts please feel free to let me know. Later
About the game. An interesting thing happened when i got home and opened up the game. Out popped this wax papered evelope with seven little film strip clues. This was very interesting, and I really like that. It turns out that this is part of the Down Loadable Content. I have to use these clues to search the city for 20 badges and then i can enter for a chance to win $30K or some other memorabilia. That just freakin cool, and i wish more companies would do stuff like this. I've been playing the game so far, and i have to say it feels a little weird. I'm used to being the criminal who only cares about getting the missions done. Now i have to act like a respectable citizen, and not run people over nor cause damage which is a serious change. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on it, just a complete 180 from my comfort zone which is good.
So far the game kind of feels like the case solving of CSI games had a kid with GTA. So its a brand new baby so to speak. I'm learning as i go to be more observant. The cases game has done a good job so far of teaching me what i need to know. Last night i made it to Traffic Detective, and now i'm trying to scower the city to see if I can find those pesky badges.
Well if anyone has any thoughts please feel free to let me know. Later
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